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Foto va mahsulot tavsifi
Perampanel-induced weight gain depends
作者: Iwaki, Hirotaka
出版社: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (2019年09月03日)
页数: 52页
语种: 英文
ISBN: 9786139464500
条形码: 9786139464500
商品重量: 90.00g
商品尺寸: 22.86cm * 15.24cm * 0.30cm
Body weight (BW) gain may be induced by perampanel (PER) administration, similar to the well-known adverse effects of valproic acid and gabapentin. Intellectual disability (ID) and serum PER concentration may be risk factors of BW gain. This study investigated how ID and serum PER concentration are associated with PER-induced BW gain. Subjects were 76 patients with epilepsy (41 men, aged 16 to 70 years). All patients were divided by intelligence quotient (IQ) into no ID (IQ >=70, n = 24), mild to moderate ID (70> IQ >=35, n = 31), and severe to profound ID (IQ