Original saytga havola- 100 — 1999 шт 5000$/donasiga
- 2000 — 50119 шт 4000$/donasiga
- 50120+ шт 3000$/donasiga
1,5$ foto hisobot + tekshiruv
Biz tovarni tekshiramiz va foto hisobot tuzamiz, shunda siz to'g'ri mahsulotni olganizga ishonch hosil qilishingiz mumkin.
Xitoydan Ukraina, O'zbekiston, Yevropa davlatlariga yetkazib berish.
Yetkazib berish, Xitoyda omborga kelganda to'lanadi
Mahsulotlarni qaytarish faqat bizning Xitoydagi omborimizda bo'lganida mumkin. Xitoydan jo'natilgan narsalarni qaytarib bo'lmaydi.
Foto va mahsulot tavsifi
库存13.3寸WIN10上网本、笔记本电脑,95成新【的性能】:Windows 10-Z8350处理器,可达1.84GHz。 四核CPU和2GB RAM和32GB ROM存储,并可以选择通过Micro SD卡将内存扩展到64GB,这使您能够以更少的延迟,更快的速度,流畅的图像和生动的画面玩游戏。
【Unbeatable Performance】: Windows 10 - Z8350 Processor, max up to 1.84GHz. Quad-core CPU and 2GB RAM and 32GB ROM storage with the option to expand the memory up to 64GB with a Micro SD card allows you to play games with less lag, quicker speed, smooth images and vivid display.
【丰富的用户体验】:Windows 10提供了更快的启动速度,一个熟悉而又扩展的“开始”菜单。 以及跨多种设备完成工作的新方法。
【Rich User Experience】: Windows 10 delivers faster start-ups, a familiar yet expanded Start menu. and great new ways to get stuff done across multiple devices.
【Perfectly portable】: not only entertainments, but also office work.
【高清显示】:13.3英寸高清显示屏,高分辨率1920 x 1080,宽视角,摄像头前置2.0MP。
【High Definition Display】: 13.3" touchscreen HD display, 1920 x 1080 high resolution and wide viewing angles, camera Front 2.0MP